About Us
The Biblical Coaching Alliance™ of Christian Life CoachesAbout Us
The Biblical Coaching Alliance™ is a network of Christian Life Coaches. Our purpose is to promote both professionalism and integrity in the everyday practice of life coaching. We distinguish ourselves from mainstream associations in that our coaches specialize in coming alongside their beloved clients using the truths and guidance from the Holy Bible as a standard for living.
The Biblical Coaching Alliance™ was co-founded by Daryl and Janet Daughtry, themselves certified coaches, with a strong desire for it to be a servant organization. The vision of the BCA is to promote Christian life coaching as a powerful tool to set people free and get them back on track. We also see coaching as a powerful platform to be utilized in the maturing of Believers around the world.
We require our member coaches to have some form of coach training, to agree with the Coach Creed, and to agree with our Statement of Faith.
About Life Coaching
Life Coaching is all about helping people get from where they are in their life to where they want to get to.
If everyone is being honest with themselves, I think we could all do with improving an area or two of our lives. But why don’t people do anything about it? Everyone knows what to do in life to become more successful but they don’t do what they know.
It is a Life Coach’s job to help people get what they want in life in by breaking down the barriers that people impose on themselves.
The best analogy you can ever use is that of a Personal Fitness Trainer. When you go to a gym they will first ask you what your goals are: Lose weight? Lose fat? Build muscle? Build endurance? Increase stamina? They will then see where you are at with regards to your goal.
So for example, if you want to lose body fat they may ask you to take a body fat composition test that will measure your current levels of body fat, you may be asked to take a fitness test, asked what your current eating habits are, etc. Along the way your personal fitness trainer will encourage and motivate you, ask you questions about your motivations and any barriers that you face and will help you. The end goal of a trainer is to help you achieve your goals a lot quicker and more effectively than if you did it yourself.
A Life Coach does EXACTLY the same, but with areas of your life.
This could include:
• Confidence and Self Esteem
• Career Change and Choices
• Better Family and Personal Relationships
• Developing Communication Skills
• Losing Weight and Managing Wellness
• Dreams and Achievements
• Money Budgeting and Debt Reduction
• Getting What You Want in Life
• Becoming and Staying More Organized
• Getting Rid of Barriers and Negative Thinking
• Manage Your Time More Effectively
• Discover Your Values in Life
• Remove the Clutter that Bogs You Down
• Get Help Staying Focused
• Setting and Accomplishing Goals
The Role of a Life Coach
Rather than actually TELLING someone the answers, a Life Coach is the catalyst for getting a client to find the answers themselves. By asking challenging and thought provoking questions, a Life Coach can unlock the potential in a client.
Coaching is forward looking and focused on the action you are willing to take to get what you want out of life. Sometimes you just can’t see the forest for the trees! You so are wrapped up in everyday life that it just passes you by! Well, coaching enables you to see different alternatives and to take a step back and actually examine your life and all of its component parts.